General Dentistry
General dentistry is the technique by which mouth is treated avoiding damaged tooth extraction.
It’s used to restore damaged areas by decay and others affections with cleaning and treating the damaged tissue without affecting the rest of the tooth, sealing the zone treated with a filling.
Is also part of general dentistry the so-called preventive dentistry, with which the need for dental treatment in the medium and long term is reduced by sealing cracks , simple or complex fillings and root canals treatments. When the depth of the lesion is too large, it’s not enough with a filling, therefore we proceeds to perform a root canal treatment.
In Cabello | Dental Clinic, we perform general dentistry to treat damaged teeth and give back the smile and dental health to our patients.
Our dentist have an extensive experience and they are constantly forming on new technologies that appear in the sector, to stay always up to date and offer to our patients the best care they deserve.